Well christmas and new year festivities have come, been much enjoyed, and now happily, have gone. As much aas we all love that time of year, it can be a serious health hazard. Well it is if you have absolutely no self discipline and cannot resist opening that unexpected tub of chocolates and those boxes of mince pies that are sat in the corner looking at you. . . The real problem is not only scoffing all these sweet ‘treats’ but the lack of exercise to wear off some of the after effects. None of the confectionary items we are bought contain any healthy components at all. It’s calories and vast amounts of carbohydrates. Both of these are totally to blame for the massive rise in over weight folk waddling around these days. Obviously someone who goes running for great distances, or perhaps goes rowing on the river in competition will burn off a lot of excess calories but it is the damage to the arteries and other organis by the huge amounts of processed foods and especially the sugar that damage liver and kidney functions and too much glucose causes diabetes symptoms. Activities like joining the gym can be most beneficial when you actually take part in an organised class, instead of only starting a routine of circuits – these can get awfully boring and very repetitive after a couple of weeks, causing most folk to lose interst.
Categories: Activities